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This injustice cannot go on

If you’ve been following the news at all, you’ve surely seen some horrific images. Images of acts of terrorism being perpetrated by a nation state that has the full backing of the United States. I’m, of course, speaking of Israel. Since the awful October 7th incident, there have been over 10,000 confirmed fatalities at the hands of Israelis – almost half of which are children. 

These atrocities must end. Here are some things you can do to help:

  • Phonebank – let Congress know that we wholeheartedly support Palestinians and their fight for survival.
  • Message your representatives – relay your support for an immediate ceasefire via the Ceasefire Now resolution. 
  • Donate – Help support the Middle East Children’s Alliance provide necessities to children and their families.
This “issue” is not complex. The power dynamic is unequivocally unbalanced. Israel wields all of the power and is currently using all of it’s military might to bomb innocent civilians. 


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