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F$*k Tucker Carlson

No seriously, eff him!

So, as you’ve almost certainly seen by now, Saturday evening there was a horrific shooting that occurred at Club Q in Colorado Springs which resulted in 5 deaths. Words cannot describe the emotions I feel when learning of events like this. As I’m sure most who have kids can relate to, I always imagine this happening to one of my babies, and it absolutely terrifies me.

But that said, there is one distinct emotion that has been elicited in me because of this, and many other mass shootings: rage. And this is purely as a result of the homophobia and transphobia spewed by the right. In years past, I would have put a caveat on there by stating the ‘far-right’ or ‘alt-right’. But no, not anymore. This extreme rhetoric is built into mainstream Republicanism now.

Take Tucker Carlson for instance. The number one rated cable “news” show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, regularly gets upwards of 3 million viewers daily. And we all know what he does with this, foment hatred, and regularly encourage people to commit acts of violence. He applies the same tactic to all types of marginalized people, but most recently he’s been targeting the trans community.

The clip below is from The Majority Report with Sam Seder. In this clip Sam goes into Tucker for spewing his vile atrocities (he freaking tells people to “arm themselves”).  And honestly, I’m not sure anything I could say could ever come close to how Sam just obliterates Tucker and anyone who has a hand in broadcasting that trash. Please give it a watch.

As I mentioned earlier, transphobia has infiltrated the GOP. I’d say that was one of their main national electoral strategies this past midterm election. But one idiot (and yes, he’s an idiot) I’d like to bring to your attention is Tim Pool. This poop stain has a Twitter following of 1.4 million people. Just like with Tucker, people are going take what he says seriously. And well, this is what the fool has to say:

I mean WHAT THE ASLDFJADSLFKJ?! Why do we allow this as a society? Why are we allowing people to encourage and apologize violence against others?

One thing that would help would be for mainstream media to force this down everyone’s throats. Make it clear and obvious that what’s being done by the right cannot be tolerated and that there needs to be consequences.

To that note, there are some journalists that try:

But how are a handful of reporters supposed to combat an entire machine? They need the backing of their employers and the people. We all need to stand together against these tyrants and let them know that their careers will be eradicated if they continue.


Lastly, Richard Fierro, a hero from that night was an army veteran who was just out enjoying himself with his family. And yes, all of you Republicans, it was a family outing – at a drag show! Imagine being so vile that you couldn’t even imagine such a thing. Truly despicable. Anyway, he was interviewed by CNN and everyone needs to watch this. I want you to see the pain this man is in. Let yourself become enraged, as I have. We need to use this as our fuel to fight against hate-mongers like Tucker Carlson and Tim Pool. Oh, and I guess while I’m at it, eat the rich!

If you’re serious about fighting these transphobic fascists, become a socialist. The Democratic party has done almost nothing to further the fight against them, but we are ready and willing. Join the DSA!

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